Investing with you and for you. Always.
Investment Philosophy | Funds and Portfolios
Meeder has successfully navigated market cycles with clients for nearly five decades and through nearly every type of market environment. Our time-tested experience has driven our deep understanding of the importance of taking a holistic approach to managing investments to help you achieve your unique investment goals.
Meeder Manages through the Lifecycle of the Investment Management Relationship

Meeder offers many unique investment products for every phase of the investor lifecycle using a variety of different distribution methods to help implement our investment management solutions.
A Holistic Approach
Meeder utilizes a multi-disciplined, multi-factor approach to portfolio construction, which distinguishes us from most managers in the marketplace. Our models are constructed to incorporate a “weight of the evidence” approach, relying on multiple disciplines such as trend and momentum factors, together with macroeconomic, sentiment, valuation, and fundamental indicators. When considered individually, each of these approaches are valid and have produced solid results over time but can often be out of sync with each other and the market. Therefore, we incorporate components from each of these disciplines for a more holistic approach.
Meeder's Commitment to Improving Investor Outcomes
Studies show that historically, the average investor participates in just a fraction of the market’s long-term gains. Wide swings in the markets will often lead investors to make decisions based on emotion, rather than data, especially in periods of market selloffs. To keep investors committed to their goals, we apply our Defensive Equity Strategy based on quantitative models that analyze data to make fact-based decisions when allocating portfolios. These models attempt to identify the risk/reward relationship of the market. They reduce equity exposure when that relationship is deemed unfavorable and take a defensive position, ultimately attempting to reduce participation in more severe market declines. Defensive positions could include cash or cash equivalents, fixed income securities, or stock index futures.
We believe a quantitative process allows for a repeatable and efficient method of achieving long-term appreciation. This process helps mitigate investor emotions, and is ultimately driven by the pursuit of helping investors achieve better outcomes. Our most accurate representation of the Defensive Equity Strategy is the Meeder Muirfield Fund.
We believe a quantitative process allows for a repeatable and efficient method of achieving long-term appreciation. This process helps mitigate investor emotions, and is ultimately driven by the pursuit of helping investors achieve better outcomes. Our most accurate representation of the Defensive Equity Strategy is the Meeder Muirfield Fund.
Meeder Investment Positioning System (IPS)
Meeder IPS is designed to optimize decisions by balancing risk/reward with market fluctuations for your clients. Take a drive with Meeder to explore how IPS works.
We are here.
With you. For you.
With you. For you.
Partnering to Optimize Your Business
We want to learn what is important to you and your business to ensure we are aligned with your priorities. Most importantly, we seek to demonstrate our understanding of your needs through our actions so we provide the best resources to help you accomplish your goals.
Further, we want to help you capitalize on the opportunities you see developing with your clients and prospects, as well as your business. We stand ready to help when you see challenges in your business or within the financial markets for which you need help addressing in today’s changing investment environment.
Contact us today.
Further, we want to help you capitalize on the opportunities you see developing with your clients and prospects, as well as your business. We stand ready to help when you see challenges in your business or within the financial markets for which you need help addressing in today’s changing investment environment.
Contact us today.