InvestmentView Dashboard
Each day, Meeder analyzes and ranks over 70 different factors from our short, intermediate, and long-term models. The dynamic statistical model incorporates factors covering macroeconomic, fundamental, trends and technical analysis to estimate the potential reward and marketplace risk of the equity markets. The Meeder Spectrum, Muirfield, Balanced, Moderate Allocation, and Conservative Allocation funds utilize this strategy for the Defensive Equity portion of their portfolios. The Defensive Equity Strategy guides the allocation of each fund’s equity sleeve and the actual proportion of equity investments in any fund will vary depending on the investment objectives of the fund.
July 19, 2024

The long-term model continues to improve as both domestic and global equity market trends over the past 6-12 months are positive.  The recent resurgence in market breadth is also a driving factor in the model’s improvement.
 Bearish fund flow activity and a significant decrease in recommended exposure for short-term market timers that focus on the tech heavy NASDAQ are helping to keep the intermediate-term model in positive territory from a contrarian perspective.

 Despite an uptick in the VIX over the past week, equity market risk remains below average.  The MOVE index, representing bond market volatility, also saw an uptick but is still around average levels.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All investments carry a certain amount of risk and the Funds cannot guarantee that they will achieve their investment objectives. Loss of money is a risk of investing in a mutual fund. The Funds are subject to stock market and liquidity risk. The Funds are also subject to foreign investment risk. These risks, as well as others, may occur during the time you hold shares of the funds.

Investors are advised to consider carefully the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Meeder Funds before investing. The Meeder Funds prospectus contains this and other information about the funds.

To request or receive a copy of the Meeder Funds prospectus, contact Meeder Client Services at (800) 325-3539.

Meeder, Meeder Funds, and Muirfield Fund are registered trademarks of Meeder Investment Management, Inc., Meeder Distribution Services, Inc., Member FINRA.